Netfotech Solutions


Banking, Finance & Insurance

From Analytics to Social Media Optimization, Cloud related services to Managed Security, our solutions and services have made business operations easy for many financial institutions.
In a commoditized, regulated, and competitive market, banks need every advantage to exceed customer expectations and differentiate. From blockchain technology to digital advisors, bank customers are demanding more services and new ways to manage and access their money. But in the digital world, slow and steady no longer wins the race. It’s time to get smarter.
Digital technology gives insurers powerful ways to offer more. It enables new ways of working; new ways of interacting with customers; and new types of insurance products. Businesses that embrace the digital opportunity will build greater customer loyalty and drive more revenue. Those that don’t will be at a competitive disadvantage.


Service Offerings

  • Business Consulting, including Core Banking application or 3rd Party Product Selection
  • Blockchain & Portfolio Analysis
  • Digital Insurer
  • Application Customization & Enhancement, Implementation, Support & Maintenance
  • Legacy Modernization & Re-engineering
  • Migration Services including Conversion & Data Migration
  • Performance Optimization
  • Business Intelligence & Analytics Services
  • Mobility Application Development & Maintenance

Risk Reduction

It becomes necessary for Banks and NBFCs to ensure that they only operate with minimum financial risk. Our solutions help banks do that by predicting repayment success and failures.

Optimize Investments

Multiple clients with more than one investment often make investment management a tad difficult. We help balance investments and optimize for better returns.

Streamlined Business

Of course, when you have an end to end customer management, automation of tasks, and detailed process reports readily available, your business process is leaner and trim.

Reduced Maintenance

Fewer problems mean fewer maintenance needs, thanks to our solution platforms and support streamlining your business processes.

Ongoing Cost Savings

Since we keep your systems updated and reduce service bottlenecks, it means fewer technology investments, greater customer growth, and higher savings enabling enterprise-wide SOA.


Sectors We Serve

Banking, Finance & Insurance

Banking, Finance & Insurance

From Analytics to Social Media Optimization, Cloud related services to Managed Security, our solutions and services have made

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Education Industries is an independent think that challenges conventional thinking in education policies.

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Consumers today are demanding greater control over their healthcare.

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Energy & Utilities

Energy & Utilities

Energy & Utilities providers are under pressure. They need to find new opportunities for growth, while facing shifting demand,

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The next big shift in the Industrial Manufacturing industry is here. It is not just about quality and numbers, but also about

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Media and Entertainment

Media and Entertainment

The media & Entertainment industry is in the midst of a sweeping digital transformation as advances in technology and infrastructure

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Public Sector

Public Sector

Public sectors are facing a range of challenges such as complex mission requirement, high expectations..

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As retail has moved beyond brick walls, shoppers of the digital era have increasingly become well..

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Telecommunications companies are deciding where and how to participate in evolving markets..

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